Mega 2560 Pro Mini

Mega 2560 Pro Mini

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The Mega 2560 Pro Mini offers the same 70 IO pins as the Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3, but in a smaller package. If you need many IO pins, this is the recommended board to use.


Many lower-cost Mega 2560 Pro Mini boards, particularly those purchased from AliExpress, use the CH340G chip for serial communication to the PC. These chips are frequently counterfeit and require additional driver installation.

Purchasing a Mega 2560 Pro Mini from the MobiFlight Shop ensures you will get a board with genuine chips.


  • 54 digital IO pins, 15 with PWM support.
  • 16 analog inputs (can be used as digital inputs).
Device Limit Notes
Analog input 16
Button 68
Digital Input Multiplexer 6
Encoder 20
Input shift register 6 Six chains of shift registers, 32 bits each (2x16 or 4x8 bit shift registers).
LCD Display 2
LED / Output 68
LED 7-Segment 6 6 TM1637 modules, or 6 chains of MAX7219 modules, or a mix of both. A 5V power supply is required when connecting more than one display.
Output shift register 6 Six chains of shift registers, 32 bits each (2x16 or 4x8 bit shift registers).
Servo 12
Stepper 10



Pins D0 and D1 are not available for use, as they are reserved for USB serial communication.

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